Prayer Links |
Links to 100 additional prayers, art & icon, prayer, collective worship, assemblies and religious education websites and resources. |
"See also "Art & Icons"" |
Caritas: the Virtual House of Prayer (*** excellent) |
'Common Worship' - The Church of England |
Cyber Rosary (audio) |
Daily meditation and Prayer (Catholic Telecom; Australia) |
Daily Office: Daily Prayer - Sant'Egidio Community (includes Intercessions) |
Daily prayer with the Holy Family of Bordeaux |
Grace Before Meals |
Liturgy of the Hours (in audio) |
'Living Space' - resources on prayer, scripture and life (Jesuits) |
Lord, Teach us how to Pray (*** excellent) (prayer resources: Fr Victor Hoagland, CP) |
Mass, The (including the day's readings, audio links, 'relevant' prayers of intercession) |
Online Retreat for Everyday Life (Jesuits) |
Oremus: daily prayer and prayer resources |
Prayer of the Day and On-line Retreats (Sisters of St Joseph) |
Praying daily with St Paul (Heartlight) |
Praying Each Day (*** excellent)
- material specific to anniversaries for each day of the year |
Praying with the Jesuits of Goa |
Pray the Psalms Daily with the Monks |
Rosary: Audio-visual (Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Mission Office) - Click on 'Mission Rosary' |
Sacred Space - the Irish Jesuits' prayer site (*** excellent) |
Taize - Reflections for the Day |
Taize prayer and music in 'Real Audio' |
Tips for Prayer in Everyday Life |
Today is my gift to you (a new photo and prayer for each day) |
Universalis: Mass readings and Morning/Evening/Night Prayer |
Vision 2000: (*** excellent) Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way (Mark Link, SJ) |
back to the top |
Spirituality and Prayer |
Bible Tutor |
Bible Gateway (accessing and searching versions of the Bible) |
Biographies of Memorable Christians |
Catechism of the Catholic Church (with search-engine) |
Christian Spirituality Sites |
Christus Rex |
Church History (Faith Central) |
Collective Worship Resources (Culham) |
CrossSearch Resource Directory |
Cyber Hymnal |
English Literature and Religion |
Ignatian (Jesuit) Spirituality #2 |
Interview with God (series of beautifully illustrated meditations) |
'Lectio Divina' #1 |
'Lectio Divina' #2 |
Matthew James Publishing -
for the books:
'Lord, Teach us to Pray', 'Praying Each Day of the Year', 'Walk In My Presence'
(providing access to the 250 web-sites/pages detailed throughout the book, 'Lord, Teach us to Pray') |
Lourdes |
Moments with God (series of illustrated meditations) |
Music from the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield (including the Rimsky-Korsakov 'Our Father') |
Orientations for Spiritual Growth |
Pilgrimages |
Praying with the Jesuits, Goa |
Praying each Day |
Psalm-Prayers for Every Mood |
Psalms: The Grail Psalter |
Readings and sites for the spiritual journey |
Retreat House Websites |
'Revised Common Lectionary, The' - many links |
Saint of the Day |
Saints |
Scripture courses (Fr Tommy Lane) |
Spirituality for Today |
Spirituality of the Sacraments (John Shea) |
Stations of the Cross in a City |
St Michael's Centre of Spirituality, Diocese of Aberdeen |
Tablet, The (and links) |
Taizé (including audio of songs and prayer) |
Preparing Prayer (Taizé) |
Theology Library |
Two Thousand Years of Catholic Writings |
Vatican, The (The Holy See) |
Vatican II Documents |
Walking in their Sandals (a Journey through the Land of the Bible) |
Weekly Prayer and Reflection, Malpas Retreat Centre |
Wellsprings (Christian prayer and spirituality) |
World prayers - prayers of World Religions |
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Sunday and Weekday Liturgy: Sermons and other Resources
Those marked with an asterisk* include material for weekdays.
Ampleforth Abbey - homilies |
Andrew Greeley - homilies |
Archive of Sermons - Fr Tommy Lane |
Catholic Homilies from Tucson, Arizona |
Catholic Lectionary, Homilies and Ideas |
Center for Liturgy - St Louis University (including Intercessions) |
Children's Chapel - stories |
Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations* |
Dominicans on-line Preaching site, GB |
Fr Donal Lucey, Leeds |
Fridge Art - Liturgical and other things to do by children |
Fr Robert Dunn |
Homily from the Monastery of Christ in the Desert, New Mexico |
Meditation, and Grace Dieu Retreat Centre, Ireland |
Meeting Christ in the Liturgy |
Prayer Site of readings and reflections on The Revised Common Lectionary |
Preparing for Sunday, Creighton University, Omaha select "Daily Reflections"* |
Saint of the Day |
Sermon Central |
Sermons and Lectionary Resources |
St Ann's Basilica, Scranton, Pennsylvania |
Storytelling (Divine Word Society) |
Sunday Readings - Lectio Divina, Dublin |
Talks to children (liturgy) |
The Text this Week (links from the Sunday's liturgy to scripture and prayer resources,
and to relevant films and art) |
'The Word', America Press |
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Justice and Peace |
CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) |
Catholic Social Teaching |
Catholic Social Teaching (Justice and Peace) |
Catholic Social Thought - Online Resources |
Childline (for young people in trouble or danger) (includes links) |
Child Poverty Action Group |
Christian Aid |
Christian Ecology Link |
Columban Voices (Justice and Peace) |
Cultures on the Edge |
Fairtrade |
Human Rights Watch (Justice and Peace) |
Human Rights Web |
Hunger Site, The |
Jubilee Calendar - a thought for each day regarding Justice and Peace (FCJ Sisters) |
Kids Helpline, Australia (including links and information pages) |
Missionary Service News Agency |
New Internationalist on-line magazine |
Office for Social Justice (St Paul and Minneapolis, USA) |
One World (Justice and Peace) |
Refugee Camp |
'Salt of the Earth' - resource for social justice |
Sant'Egidio Community - Justice and Peace |
Social Justice - Faith Community Builders (St Mary's Press) |
Tearfund - evangelical world development charity |
'The Common Good' and Catholic Social Teaching
(excellent and inspiring 1996 Document by the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales) |
Traidcraft |
Trocaire (based in Ireland) - world development agency |
US Catholic Bishops Conference - Social Development and World Peace |
Washington Office on Latin America |
World Development Movement |
See also 'Religious Education and Catechetical Resources' |
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